Jun 20, 2009

Children's Bunk Beds

Listen, I had a bunk bed when I was young so, I'm being honest when I say that kids bunk beds are great. I had to wait till I was a bit older before my parents bought one for me, I think I was about eight years old, but when I finally got it I was delighted and continued to use it until I was about thirteen. Ok, so perhaps I hung on to childish things for a bit too long but, seriously, I never tired of its use.

As an only child I didn't have a bottom bunk. That area had a load of cushions and was the place I would sit and read. It was an interesting model the likes of which I don't think exists today. Essentially, the bunk bed was a kit of several metal tubes all coated in a yellow plastic and connected together by these cool metal joints. The plastic coverings made it very durable which is why the bunk bed lasted as long as it did.

How adventurous are you? You could always build your own kids bunk bed.

Kids Furniture For Bunk Beds

Sure your kids will be delighted that you have bought them a bunk bed in the first place but why not take it one step further and consider adding some kids furniture for the bunk beds? Children are just smaller versions of us and, like us, they appreciate a room that is well laid out and matches. If you design their room thoughtfully with some matching bits of furniture like desks, cupboards or bedside furniture then your child will grow up to appreciate and respect the idea of interior design.

If on the other had your kids room looks like a bit of a junk yard with all kinds of mismatched furniture guess what? They will find it difficult to cultivate a sense of tidiness. The chances are they will become used to a chaotic sense of interior decor which will stay with them into adulthood. Now I'm not saying you need to go out and buy some expensive bedroom set with all matching furniture. I'm just saying try and keep a theme running through the room so that it looks like some thought has gone into it.

Cheap Kids Bunk Beds

Here's what you need to think about before buying a cheap kids bunk bed. First and foremost are you going for a cheap model because you don't expect your kid to use the bed for very long and therefore it's not worth spending too much? Or are you going down that avenue because you're a little short of cash? If it's the first option then fair enough, there's no point buying an expensive bunk bed if it's only going to get used for a year. There's not much resale value for you in household furniture, so don't waste your money.

If, however, your choice is dictated by your available budget then I would ask you to consider a longer term economic view. A cheap bunk bed will not last you the five to eight years you might want to use it for. It's going to get bashed about and if the structure is not well made, that's to say more expensive, then that's when bunk beds fall apart and get dangerous. For myself I would either look to invest a bit more money or abandon the idea of a bunk bed in favour of two twin beds.

Kids Futon Bunk Beds

A word about futon bunk beds for kids. A futon mattress, as you know has a particular hard feel to it. There are arguments that say a more solid, hard mattress is better for you back and posture and I would say that if I had to choose between a good futon mattress and a lousy cheap ordinary mattress I would go for the former. However once your body gets a feel for one type over another you may find it uncomfortable to swap. What's my point? Well before you put your child in a futon bed take a moment to realise that you will be training their bodies to get comfortable with that kind of sleeping experience for the rest of their lives. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, it's just something to keep in mind.

On the plus side, futon bunk beds often have an adjustable lower bunk that can be raised up into a sofa or settee. If you only have one child this is a great scenario that allows your kid to have friends over who can sleep on the lower bunk but which can then be converted into a sitting area for your child the rest of the time.

Kids Loft Bunk Beds

A kids loft bunk bed was what I had as a child. The difference between a loft bed and a traditional bunk bed is simply the use you make of them. A loft bed suggest a bed that is raised up off the ground and you could have any number of things placed below. For instance there could be nothing beneath it except the rest of the room, that would be the true definition of a loft bed, you are simply creating a sleeping place high up in the room in order to best utilize the rest of the bedroom space.

Alternatively a loft bed might look similar to a bunk bed layout but, again, underneath the top bunk everything is up for grabs. You could place a double bed at right angles or create a sitting area, as I did, or finally you could place a work space there with a desk or a make up area. One word of warning make sure your child is old enough to safely use a loft bed if you are placing up high.